Today I would like to make you laugh. I would like to trigger a genuine, profound, happy and joyful smile, your own unique smile, on your face. I want you to really laugh.
Laugh out loud. For a laugh can heal almost everything. It’s important that you’re happy and that you enjoy your life. I’ve very often healed my fear with laughter. There’s nothing better than to laugh at your own expense, when, for example, I say to myself, “Maya, that was fun – this time you really blew it!” Start including laughter in changes in your life.
Whatever is happening in your life and whatever you want to change, the most important step is the first one, which I call awareness. Awareness of what it is we want. So, define your goal. I’m sure that your inner system, which has for years been used to thinking in a negative way, will start resisting you and try to persuade you that you’re crazy, that you won’t be able to do it or that you’ll fail like always. After this internal monologue you’ll definitely start attracting people who will assure you that this kind of change is impossible or that something like this is not possible. But we all know: these are mirrors! These people are only showing you that you don’t trust yourself!
Surely your fear also joins in and the combination is overwhelming. You already know all of this and you’ve come to this point many times already – and then stopped, of course. How about the next time you smile at the magical you and try something new out? Are you in? We have to transform your fear into a deep faith that you’ll do it, for we cannot do any magic without your inner faith. Once you have faith and trust, you have everything you need to manifest your dreams or for changes. Then you can do anything. Yes, anything!
In those moments when your ‘little fears’ creep inside, try to repeat your affirmations, visualise the desired and focus only on the positive. Start practising this and I can guarantee that this will bring you your miracles in the long run. You have to feel peaceful, happy and innerly fulfilled in every moment – that’s the whole trick. When you feel that knot in your stomach or pressure in your chest, you just have to get rid of that negative, unpleasant feeling. As I’ve already mentioned, I used to ‘clear’ it with affirmations and, today, after years of practice, I’m able to transform every little fear in a couple of seconds.
Now, we’ve learned to trust in the manifested. The next step is change. In this step you face your thoughts that you’re not good enough, that you don’t trust yourself and that you don’t love yourself. But I can tell you that when you come to this point, you’re almost there, just one step away from vibrating with this completely different energy. It’s important that you ask yourself what YOU can do for this change. I’m sure that each and every one of you always knows what to do. Just find your inner will and power and change something already. Whenever it feels that it’s not working, smile at your magnificent self and your magical game. Laugh and have fun. Laughter will often encourage you to start thinking positively. And – you know … you can do it, you can do anything. I believe in you, do you believe in yourself?
Author: Maya D.
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